Working through a job transition can be a painful process – whether you are doing it on your own or because you have been forced into it.
Sometimes you are not sure who to talk to, what questions to ask or how to get things started. Hannah Morgan recognized these concerns and developed a talk show on job transitions to assist you.
In these video clips, Lynn Dessert, Leadership Breakthrough, Inc. and Kathleen Pringle. Predictive Insights are guest panelists who answer many job transition questions posed by host Hannah Morgan.
Employment INsights, Job Transition, Part 1 from CAROL WHITE LLEWELLYN on Vimeo.
Employment INsights, Job Transition, Part 2 from CAROL WHITE LLEWELLYN on Vimeo.
Many thanks to Carol White Llewellyn and Hannah Morgan for making this television show and video available to job seekers.
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