Elephants at Work - Contact Us

Elephants at Work – Contact Us

Elephants at Work has over 500 posts on topics such as career, job search and workplace issues. Be sure to use the search bar at the top of the Elephants at Work blog to find information.

Use the contact form below to contact me if you have an idea for a blog post. Your idea could be a topic or situation that you would like to share (anonymously) where all readers may benefit from the answer.

Schedule Private Time with Lynn

If you are looking for an answer to your specific situation, I work with you privately in a mini-coaching session. Schedule your pre-paid session by viewing the scheduling options here: Lynn Dessert’s Calendar. I strongly suggest getting either of my eBooks before scheduling a session for a couple of reasons:

  1. There is a good chance your question will be answered in the eBook (see sidebar)
  2. You get a discount rate on a 30-minute session if you have purchased an eBook

Free Option for Advice

There is a good chance your question or one similar has been answered. Do a search on the blog for your question. Another alternative is to post your question in the comment section of any article where others may weigh into your situation.


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