Having a safe place to promote productive discussion is a major goal of this blog. Elephants at Work, will moderate all comments. In the interest of laying norms for sharing your thoughts, here are a few guidelines:
Be Nice. Sharing our stories of our life is personal. Asking for advice may be difficult. Let’s treat each other with kindness, while maintaining the truth. Not everyone will have the same opinion. Let us respect our differences. Your opinion will be in cyberspace for a long time.
Keep Secrets. It is not important who or what company did what. Focus on the situation. Keep names of people, companies, and other identifying information confidential.
Cite Sources. If you want to share information that is someone else’s, then give them credit in your post. You can link the article or provide their information in the body of your post. Copyrights are important. If permission is required, then obtain it before submitting it on this site.
Stay Legal. Please do not post any material that is offensive – this includes obscene, defamatory, profane, libelous, threatening, harassing, hateful, abusive or embarrassing to another person or company or it violates the privacy of others. Depositing code – Trojan horses, worms or other damaging intent is not welcome.
Be a Guest. We welcome your return visits to read and post or to link us to other blogs. The content is not available to take or use without permission.
You don’t write because you want to say something; you write because you’ve got something to say.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
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