Three Compensation Questions for HR
It’s not that the HR Department is trying to keep secrets from you. They are busy hiring people,...
Read Moreby Lynn Dessert | Jul 23, 2015 | Inside HR | 0 |
It’s not that the HR Department is trying to keep secrets from you. They are busy hiring people,...
Read Moreby Lynn Dessert | May 13, 2015 | Inside HR | 4 |
We are in real trouble if we blur the line of what coaching is and what it is not when talking...
Read Moreby Lynn Dessert | Nov 14, 2013 | Inside HR | 0 |
Microsoft made me very happy this week they announced that they are abandoning their stacked or forced ranking used in their performance and compensation management systems. I have never been a strong proponent of using the...
Read Moreby Lynn Dessert | Mar 14, 2013 | Inside HR | 0 |
It is no surprise that the subject of age discrimination comes up with job hunters – especially during the job application process. The question that many job seekers ask is, “why do employers ask for my date of birth (DOB)? Is...
Read Moreby Lynn Dessert | Mar 4, 2013 | Inside HR | 0 |
It is easy to figure out a common mistake in most incentive plans by asking the question: Did you do what you wanted to do when you set it up? The chances are you will hear the answer is “no” or “some of...
Read Moreby Lynn Dessert | Jul 25, 2012 | Inside HR | 0 |, an internationally known organization contacted me a few months ago about speaking at one of the virtual conferences about compensation. While the topic does not scream compensation, effective job on-boarding...
Read Moreby Lynn Dessert | Jan 30, 2012 | Inside HR | 1 |
What is your opinion on performance reviews? Do you think performance reviews are a valuable tool for organizational effectiveness? Personally, I think it depends on a number of factors and knowing how organizations run, the...
Read Moreby Lynn Dessert | Oct 13, 2011 | Assessments, Inside HR | 0 |
5 Minute Survey on Psychometric Assessments I have a special request from a couple of assessment experts (details below) who are conducting research on psychometric assessments to measure the awareness and usage of certain...
Read Moreby Lynn Dessert | Sep 27, 2011 | Inside HR | 0 |
The selection of assessments for personal or business use can become overwhelming, especially with the vast number of assessment products available on the market. There can be dissatisfaction with using an assessment without...
Read Moreby Lynn Dessert | Sep 16, 2011 | Blog Carnivals, Inside HR | 0 |
The Leadership Development Carnival is going to be heading its way to Elephants at Work on October 2, 2011. I am excited to be a guest host for Dan McCarthy, a former Rochester resident that now resides in New Hampshire making a...
Read Moreby Lynn Dessert | Aug 15, 2011 | Inside HR | 0 |
“We will just create a mentoring program” says a company president. His comment is in response to criticism that his company fails to develop employees. Sure, it takes some cash to send people to outside skill or...
Read Moreby Lynn Dessert | Aug 11, 2011 | Inside HR, Job Search | 1 |
The difference between a retained and contingency search is a question that is often asked by a job hunter or employer. It is important to know what kind of firm you are working with because it affects what you can expect from...
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