5 Minute Survey on Psychometric Assessments
I have a special request from a couple of assessment experts (details below) who are conducting research on psychometric assessments to measure the awareness and usage of certain psychometric instruments.
The five minute survey will help them tremendously (no personal information collected), click on the following link to take the survey today!
Survey ends on Thursday, September 20, 2011.
Please share this article via any of the social media links below with other assessment users who you believe could aid in furthering the research.
Survey Researchers and Results
Ann Herrmann-Nehdi, CEO Herrmann International, Inc. and Mark Schar, Ph.D. at the Center for Design Research, Stanford University are conducting a survey on business and academic psychometric assessments.
The results of the survey will be shared at the upcoming conference on NeuroLeadership on November 8-10 in San Francisco. The session is entitled The Neurobiology of Leadership Assessments.
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