The Career Development Carnival’s main attraction this month is Job Search Resources – everything from job applications to interviewing to cool technology job apps.
I think I should warn you – there is a devil in this month’s carnival – can you find him or her?
Finally, a hearty welcome to our new contributors – Kristin Johnson, Eric Kramer, Karen Silins, Meg Montford, and Julie Walraven.
If you like what you read, show your support for each author. Spread the word because others may benefit from your research. Use social media tools – Share it, Like it, Google+ it, email it or make a comment.
Career Exploration
Looking for a New Career? Try It Before You Jump
Blog: Hell in the Hallway Author: Deborah Mourey
Imagine if you could ‘walk a mile’ in the shoes of someone who is doing a job that you think you might be good at. Now you can.
My Boss is a Jerk …wait a minute I am my own boss!
Blog: Career Pivot Author: Marc Miller
My boss knows when I am:
- goofing off
- faking being sick
- procrastinating
- going to be late with a project
Can you work for yourself? Most likely sometime in the future you will have to be your own boss.
The Grass is only Greener Where You Water It
Blog: Design Resumes Author: Julie Walraven
We had been talking about the fact that the grass is not always greener when you change major things in your life, whether it is relationships or physical locations or jobs. You may think it would be greener just because it is different from what you have now but the reality is that the investment that you put into the new … or the old… is what will make it greener.
Reputation Management
5 Qualities of Professional People
Blog: HR Bartender Author: Sharilyn Lauby
A reader wants to know how to become more professional…
Job Search Resources
Envisioning Success through Guided Imagery
Blog: The Job Quest Author: Melissa Cooley
How is guided imagery different than affirmations? Guided imagery engages all the senses, allowing you to more fully feel success. Read on for an example of how one person used guided imagery prior to her job interview.
How to stand out in ‘meet the team’ job interviews
Blog: Mildred Talabi Author: Mildred Talabi
Meet the team interviews often take place where the job position on offer requires working closely with the rest of the team to effectively carry out the role. In cases like these, it’s important for the management to see that you’re the right fit for the job – i.e. not only exceptional on your own, but also able to get along with other members of the team. Here’s how to make sure you stand out next time you’re called to such an interview…
The Unemployed and the Electronic Application Nightmare
Blog: The A-Plus Advisory Post Author: Karen Silins
Discusses the ATS Systems and the inherent problems that job seekers experience when using them. Includes multiple article links about same issue.
Is the Cover Letter Dead?
Blog: Inside Online Learning Author: Melissa Venable
What happens when you submit your resume online? What do you do with the cover letter? It’s still part of the job search process, but there are new guidelines for electronic submission.
13 Windows 8 Job Search Apps For Early Adopters
Blog: JobMob Author: Jacob Share
Fresh off the presses, the first batch of Windows 8 job search apps are now available.
Do not do this if you want a job
Blog: Staffing Insights Author: Eric Derby
I was going through a big stack of resumes and one submission really bugged me. What can you learn from this blunder?
Job Interviewing: Positive Spin or Just Plain Lies?
Blog: Career Chaos Author: Meg Montford
Job interviewing is an art based on facts. Always present your positive self without compromising the truth. Fact-checking happens!
Interview Questions YOU Can Ask
Blog: Career Sherpa Author: Hannah Morgan
The interview is an exchange of information. What ensures a dialogue is that you have intelligent, meaningful questions to ask. Check these out!
Winning Over a Recruiter: Part 2
Blog: Elephants at Work Author: Lynn Dessert
There are mistakes that job seekers make every day and it affects their job hunting efforts. Abby Kohut recently came to Rochester, NY to share the tactics and secrets recruiters Human Resources use to screen job seekers out of a job.
Personal Branding
3 Creative Ways to Impress Employers
Blog: The Guide on the Side Author: Michael Keathley
This post provides examples of three collaborative activities individuals may engage in to boost and document their skills in communication, entrepreneurship, and attitude for potential employers.
Networking Tips
5 Sites for Finding Networking Events
Blog: Professional Direction Blog Author: Kristin Johnson
Since people hire people they know, it’s important for you to see them face-to-face. In-person networking can give you that referral you need, new ideas, new contacts, all helping you to get into that new job. These five websites will help you to find networking events near you!
Career Management
How Will the Election Results Affect Your Job Search?
Blog: Chameleon Resumes Blog Author: Lisa Rangel
Curious as to how the election results will affect your job search prospects? Wonder no more…
Next Month
Head over to Career Sherpa by Hannah Morgan who will be hosting the Career Development Carnival on December 20th. If you have a career related post to share everything you need to know is here:
- Guidelines for Posts
- Career Development Carnival Post Submissions
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