Initially, I started the blog intending to write about wimpy bosses. What I have come to appreciate over the last eight months is there is much more to the topic – I was only scratching the surface. This blog is about the elephant in the room that no one wants to acknowledge or talk about.

Elephants at Work are born. The blog addresses how to master your career and boss.

Reflecting on the blog content, some of the most read posts are on cross-cultural communication, trust in organizations, using self promotion, how to say thank you and that it is never too late to do it. One of my posts – Difficult Discussion: Body Odor at Work is probably one of the top read articles and is a great example of why I believe people want a place to find information.

I know as a boss early in my career, I was given the task to tell an employee they needed to be more cleanly. Why me? The excuse I was given was we are both women and it would be easier for me to have the conversation. I can tell you, it is not easy – no matter who you are.

Talking about body odor or deciding if you should outshine your boss are some of the topics I would consider unspeakables at work. No one wants to bring them up, yet everyone wants to know about them. Other posts focus on things we will talk about. We may be unsure on how to communicate it more effectively or to put it into action such as should we be multi-tasking. Our writers are willing to put those sensitive issues on the table and talk about them with you. Your comments and pokes at us will continue to encourage us to do so.

Other changes to the blog:

Feedblitz is In

If you are getting your updates with Feedburner, the blog is now using Feedblitz as its RRS feed and email newsletter format. You can sign up at the left hand side of our blog. Feedburner will not be delivering your updates to you in a few weeks. The service provides more versatility on how you want to receive the information. You always have option to use our extensive bookmarking system too!

New Contributors

Every few months a new writer expresses interest in joining us. I am always on the lookout for individuals who like to communicate their opinions with you. All of them are seasoned experts in their field. If you have an interest in being apart of our contributor community, drop me a line. Our contributors commit to posting an article once a month and guest writers generally post less frequently.

Thanks for being a part of our growing community!
