The other day I wrote about what NOT to say to someone who is got fired or laid off from their job. There are many opportunities to create positive influences for someone who is dealing with job loss.
Make someone’s day today by doing any one of the following:
- Give them leads on open positions where you know someone in the company. Offer to make an introduction, give a recommendation or pass their resume to your colleague(s).
- Ask how you can help them. Don’t assume you know what they need right now. They may need something very different from what you expect. It might not even be job related.
- Provide them three networking contacts that are in the know about open jobs in the community. Your networking leads should be with people who are gainfully employed. Call your contacts first so that they are making a “warm” call.
- Tell them to call you when they are having a rough day. During the call, let them vent about how tough it is to find a job. Listen and try not to offer advice unless they ask for it. If they do ask for advice, keep it simple and give them one idea that they can execute easily.
- Call someone who has not called you. They may be embarrassed to pick up the phone or think that your friendship was only work related.
- Ask them to meet you for lunch and pay for it. Make it a light fun get together.
- Send a card by snail mail. Let them know you are thinking of them.
- Invite them to attend a networking event with you. It is easier to go with someone who has confidence, experience and can make introductions.
- Write a recommendation on LinkedIn and on letterhead before they even ask you to do it. Send it to them and offer to modify it if they would like some changes.
- Forward any job notices or positions you see off lists, groups or emails you receive to them immediately.
- Refer networking events to them – especially ones where working professionals are the majority.
- If you saw them outside of work, keep seeing them on the same schedule. Routines will become very important to them.
- Suggest job hunting support groups in the area. This is a good place to let off steam and share job hunting tips with people who get it.
- Encourage them to immediately file for unemployment compensation. Professionals and executives often find it difficult to apply for this benefit. Sometimes the ego gets in the way or there is a misunderstanding of why they deserve it. The fact is their past employer funded the benefit through the state’s unemployment tax every payday. Would you pay for auto or medical insurance and not lodge a claim if you had an incident?
- Point them in the direction of the job services organization in their area. They can register their name in a database and get access to many jobs that employers are required to submit by law.
- Suggest they inquire about job retraining grants that the state or federal government may offer through the job services organization. If their experience is in a declining field and they want to become skilled in one of targeted areas for rapid growth, there may be some funds available for education and training.
- Give them the names and phone numbers of your favorite recruiters. Call or send a note to the recruiter first and let them know why you are referring them as a good candidate.
- Turn the tables. Send people to them to meet. People feel special when someone is asking them for a meeting.
- Call and ask their opinion. At work, our opinion is asked all the time. We feel valuable when people want to know what we think.
- Don’t take it personally. There may be times when your friend snaps at you or does something stupid. It probably was a bad day. Forgive and forget.
Go out and make someone’s day. I would love to hear about any other unique ways to help someone. It doesn’t matter if you are on the giving or receiving end, share your opinion today!
Excellent post. I wonder if you would like to have this post put on the Legacy MedSearch blog. Legacy MedSearch is a recruiting firm that specializes in the medical device and pharma markets. Let me know if you want me to contact them about this.
Hope all is well with you. I moved to NYC…I know…much different than Buffalo. I really miss Wegman’s.
Hi Ted,
I checked their site, they have a resource page and would welcome a link on their site – this article and others might be helpful to their client base. By all means, give them my contact information. Congrats on the move…NYC is a great city. I’ll give you a ring when I head that way. If your info has changed – send me a PM.
Much better than some other social media advice which tells me to facebook, and twitter my way to a new job!
Old fashion networking and respect is never out of style.
There is a lot of social media advice about using Facebook and Twitter – some of it might be relevant and some of it is just creates confusion and frustration for people who really do not want to use it or do not understand it. As with anything you do, it is important to figure out what is effective and you can do well. When we try to do too much or try to do something we just don’t believe in, we often fail. Good luck on your search!