Career Breakthrough Tip #7 shares the differences between a job application and resume. One is a legal document, the other is your marketing profile. Avoid assuming they are the same. In the eye’s of the employer or interviewer they are very different.
If you fill out your application out improperly, there may be some serious consequences. In this video, Lynn Dessert, Executive Career Coach, explains the differences between the job application and resume. She shares specifically about what questions are troublesome and how to avoid answering them incorrectly.
Lying on a Job Application May End Poorly
While you may debate answering some of the questions untruthfully – don’t do it. Lynn walks you through why it is important to be upfront and how to avoid being fired for lying. There are many examples in the news about people who were fired for lying about information on their job application. Here are 10 executives that were fired because they lied on their job application. Don’t fall into the trap of finding creative ways to lie. Instead, figure out how to explain your job history succinctly. Redirect the conversation to the value and results you will bring to the company. Create a buzz and excitement about what you can do to help them be successful!
Let’s say you decide to tell a little white lie. The truth will come out. Maybe not today or tomorrow. The truth may reveal itself years later. No matter the timeline, the company has legal grounds to terminate your employment. It will not matter how good an employee you are. Consider if the risk of lying is worth plummeting your career and reputation. Do not let your hard work go down the drain with a silly mistake.
Are you looking for help to craft your message? Consider our eBook, a self-help guide to fill out applications and develop what to say during the interview process: What to Do After Being Fired.
Let your journey with a new company be exciting without having to look over your shoulder. It might take a few more interviews to find the company that is just right for you!
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