There are several reasons why some coaching clients make more progress than others and having consistent meetings is at the top of the list.


Because coaching is a resource that helps you reach your goals or outcomes faster. Through coaching you identify and develop strategies for removing whatever blocks your progress against those goals. When you do not have consistent meetings – you lose momentum.

It is that simple.

The other day, I asked a colleague and friend who is working with another coach how her sessions were going. Her response was that she had not had a session (in over a month). “Why not”, I asked – she said there had been three reschedules – two by her coach and one by her.

My friend signed up for a year of coaching and she probably figures it is no big deal – we’ll just extend the agreement and the time she works with her coach thinking it benefits her in the long run.


Extending your coaching time does not help you reach your goal sooner. In fact, it may extend how long it takes you to reach your outcome or big dream.

Every session you postpone is time wasted because I will bet in the interim you are not making progress as fast as you would with consistent meetings. And if you let too much time-lapse, you and your coach will have to recalibrate before moving forward.

So, what’s the right amount of time in-between sessions?

It depends on how fast you want to move towards your goal and how much time you have to get your homework done before the next session.

Most of my clients set up consistent meetings twice a month while they are doing their core work because they have careers and other responsibilities. Twice a month may seem like a juggle but remember, the more you keep the focus on moving forward toward your goal, the better results you will get. Once we are done with the core work, they supplement sporadic meetings afterward based on need.

However, if coaching is critical to your success for a new business launch, career change, workplace issue or other high impact outcome, you may opt for coaching 3-4 times a month.

Discuss the right combination of consistent meetings with your coach and remember it is YOUR responsibility to set those meetings up because ultimately the results of your work belongs with you.